
Attendance Procedures


ATTENDANCE (508) 906-3711

Unless a child is sick, students are expected to be in school every day. Attendance is taken during homeroom promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy. Unless a parent/guardian contacts the office the tardy will be unexcused. Unexcused and unjustified absences are taken seriously and will result in a required conference with the student, team leader, teacher and parent. Detention and/or other disciplinary action may be taken. Excessive absences accumulating to thirty-five (35) days or more could result in retention.

Caregivers may also send an email to [email protected] to notify the front office of an absence. Due to our concern for the welfare and safety of our students, we ask parents to call or email the Middle School office at 508-906-3711 BEFORE 8:00 a.m. to register their child's absence or reason for being late. Our office will contact caregivers who have not called in during the morning hours.


A parent or guardian of an absentee should send a note to the office stating the reason for the absence. When a student has been absent from school for five days or more due to illness, a certificate of good health from a physician must be given to the school nurse. The school also requires such certification for any contagious or infectious disease regardless of the duration.


If absent, it is the student's responsibility to report to each subject teacher upon return and arrange to make up work missed. Students have the right to assignment extensions equal to the amount of time absent.


Please refer to our grade level homework calendars and individual teacher Google Classrooms to identify missing schoolwork.


To leave a message for your child, please call the office. Emergency situations are always dealt with immediately. PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR TEXT YOUR CHILD ON A CELL PHONE. Thank you for assisting us with this policy.

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