The Department of World Languages affords students the opportunity to gain communicative competence in Spanish while fostering cross-cultural awareness and appreciation. These are very practical skills that will help to prepare students to live, travel and work in a culturally diverse environment and to be successful in today’s highly competitive job market. All courses emphasize development of the five language learning skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing and the socio-linguistic aspects of second language acquisition.
Millis offers two distinct Spanish language programs: a twelve-year Spanish Immersion program which begins in first grade at the Clyde Brown Elementary School, as well as a non-immersion program which is based on a traditional approach to second language acquisition.
The Millis Public Schools district is proud to be a member of the International Spanish Academy. Students are selected for our Spanish Immersion program in grade 1 through a lottery program and continue in Spanish Immersion classes through grade 12. Academic instruction in grades 1 and 2 is 100% in Spanish. Students eligible for immersion courses must have entered the program in Millis in grade 1 or participated in a similar immersion program in another district. Middle School students take a Spanish Immersion class and participate in a daily Spanish Immersion Power Learning Time block.
Students who do not participate in Spanish immersion begin to study Spanish in Kindergarten through our FLES program, which introduces students K-5 to the Spanish language. In Middle School, beginning in 6th grade, Spanish becomes a core course for all students. In High School, two years of Spanish are required for graduation, three years of Spanish are required for college applications, and students and can choose to continue to build their skills and develop proficiency through grade 12 and Advanced Placement classes.

Students at Millis High School are able to earn the Seal of Biliteracy on their diploma if they meet the requirements.