
School Hours


The school day begins at promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:20 p.m. Students should not arrive prior to 7:30 a.m., as there is no supervision. Prior to 7:45 a.m. middle school students should report to the cafeteria.


Students needing to be dismissed early from school must bring a note from their parent/guardian giving a reason for the dismissal. The note should be brought to the principal's office before the beginning of school. Students will receive a pass from the office to be dismissed from class. They will report to the office at the assigned time and an adult, who is designated to sign them out of school must come to the office. Should the student return to school, he/she should check in at the office again for a reentry pass. We request that every effort should be made to make appointments after school. For safety reasons, dismissals by phone are not allowed during the school day. A parent wishing to have a child dismissed during the school day must come to the school office and sign for the student's dismissal.


Truancy is against the law. Truancy is defined as being absent from school, class, study hall, or other assignments without permission of parents or school officials. Offenders will meet with the Principal and their parents at school. Detention and/or other disciplinary action may be taken. Students will be required to make up missed assignments.


We have many clubs and activities that take place after school. In addition, students may remain for extra help, or be requested by a teacher to remain for one reason or another. Students are expected to go directly to their clubs or activities immediately following dismissal. Students will fulfill all academic or disciplinary responsibilities prior to attending any athletic, club or after-school function. Students are not allowed to wander the building after school.


Family vacation trips during the school year are not encouraged. A written note explaining the upcoming trip should be sent to the office at least a week in advance. Students are responsible for all work missed and will make up assignments upon their return to school. Students will have one day per day out of school to complete the work missed.

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